
WorkCover ‘Notice of Assessment’ in worker’s compensation claims

WorkCover Notice of Assessment | Workers Compensation QLD

A Notice of Assessment details a worker’s injuries and level of permanent impairment, and includes a lump sum offer under the statutory workers’ compensation scheme. This is an important crossroad in a WorkCover claim, and the injured worker’s decision regarding the NOA will have significant implications for their compensation claim.
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My personal injury matter is going to a ‘compulsory conference’ – what should I expect?

My personal injury matter is going to a ‘compulsory conference’ – what should I expect?

Going to a compulsory conference for your personal injury matter can be confusing, particularly when you are not sure what to expect. We make every effort to make sure our clients understand the process so that they are as comfortable as possible when attending their compulsory conference.
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Kmart shopper awarded compensation for injuries sustained in self-service queue

Kmart shopper awarded compensation for injuries sustained in self-service queue

In March 2024, the New South Wales District Court awarded damages to a Kmart shopper who was injured while in the self-service queue at the Woy Woy Kmart store. The plaintiff lodged a public liability claim, suing Kmart for injuries she sustained in a self-serve queue at a Kmart store in NSW.
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The process to transfer a liquor licence in Queensland

The process to transfer a liquor licence in Queensland

When buying a business in Queensland, there are a number of tasks you need to turn your mind to. This is particularly the case when the business you’re purchasing has a liquor license to supply or sell alcohol.
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What are “heads of damage” in a personal injury claim?

What are “heads of damage” in a personal injury claim?

When quantifying the value of potential damages in a personal injury claim, there are some guidelines about what types of compensation can and cannot be claimed. To assist with this assessment process, the damages are broken down into categories called ‘heads of damage’.
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A comprehensive guide to making and finalising a personal injury claim

A comprehensive guide to making and finalising a personal injury claim

Personal injury matters involve many small steps within bigger and bigger steps which all work towards the finalisation of a compensation claim. This article breaks down the general steps usually taken throughout a personal injury claim in Queensland.
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Court dismisses child sexual abuse claim due to inconsistencies in evidence

Court dismisses child sexual abuse claim due to inconsistencies in evidence

On 30 May 2024, the Supreme Court of Queensland dismissed a child sexual abuse claim for damages related to abuse alleged to have occurred at school in 1999. This case provides rare guidance as to what the Court might consider when determining claims relating to historical sexual abuse allegations.
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High Court overturns permanent stay in child abuse case

High Court overturns permanent stay in child abuse case

In November 2023, the High Court handed down its decision in respect of the child sexual abuse claim, “GLJ v The Trustees of The Roman Catholic Church for The Diocese of Lismore [2023] HCA 32”. The High Court has overturned the earlier decision of the NSW Court of Appeal, paving the way for the abuse survivor to seek compensation.
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Case review – informal Will accepted by the Court for a Grant of Probate

Case review – informal Will accepted by the Court for a Grant of Probate

When applying for probate, the original Will is required to be submitted with the application. There are requirements for what documents may or may not be considered a formal Will.
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A guide to personal injury claims – the types of claims, the differences and the similarities

A guide to personal injury claims – the types of claims, the differences and the similarities

When a person is injured and considering whether or not to make a claim for compensation, it can be very difficult to understand what type of personal injury claim they should make. Personal injury claims involve complex legal concepts and jargon, which make the whole process even more confusing.
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A guide to probate in Queensland

A guide to probate in Queensland

An application for probate is an application to the court to request that it confirm a deceased person’s estate should be administered in accordance with their Will. Once approved, the court will issue a Grant of Probate, which basically provides the executor with permission to distribute the assets of the estate in accordance with the Will.
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AAT increases Comcare weekly payments for injured worker

AAT increases Comcare weekly payments for injured worker

In early June 2024, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Brisbane determined that an injured worker in receipt of Comcare benefits was entitled to be paid more in weekly benefits than Comcare was paying him. This resulted in Comcare having to increase the injured worker’s weekly payments.
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