The pressure on gig economy workers to continuously deliver faster leads to this particular cohort of workers to take more risks on the road, with the inevitable result being a spike in injuries to delivery workers from motor vehicle accidents.
When an abuse survivor contacts us about the possibility of recovering compensation due to sexual, physical and/or psychological abuse at school, they often think they’ll be suing the individual teacher or staff member who abused them. In fact, historical abuse survivors will actually sue the school and not the teacher or staff member personally.
In September 2023, the Queensland government released a public policy paper, “Intestacy Entitlements and Family Provision Applications”, which outlines proposed legislative changes aimed at modernising sections of the Succession Act primarily related to the current intestacy rules.
Contracts are used daily in all parts of everyday life, from business to buying groceries, and can come in many shapes and sizes. When we strip it all back down though, what is a contract?
In many personal injury claims, claimants may be required to attend what is called an Independent Medical Examination. IMEs are a bit different to a standard medical appointment so we thought we would provide some information about the IME and its impact on your personal injury claim.
It can sometimes be overwhelming when you first engage a personal injury lawyer, just how much information they require. It’s helpful to understand what information your lawyer will seek early on in your personal injury claim.
If you currently operate a company or you’re thinking of registering a company, you might have heard of the term ‘corporate veil’. In a nutshell, the corporate veil refers to the limited liability that members, shareholders and directors of a company enjoy.
Many institutions responsible for perpetrating child abuse are trying to escape the need to provide justice through compensation to those survivors. One way they are doing this is by asking the Court to effectively ‘throw out’ a survivor’s legitimate claim. But one survivor, ‘GLJ’, decided enough was enough and, in early July 2023, took her case against the Catholic Church to the High Court of Australia.
In this article, we look at settlement refunds that private health insurers and income protection insurers may expect following the successful completion of a personal injury claim.
Joanne Willmot, a survivor of child sexual and physical abuse, brought a claim for compensation against the State of Queensland, due to abuse as a minor in the late 1950’s and 1960’s. The matter went to the Supreme Court which ordered a permanent stay of proceedings. An appeal saw that original decision upheld.
A closer look at lump sum payments in Comcare claims after workplace injury. We take a deep dive into permanent impairment payments and compensation for non-economic loss.
It is important for personal injury compensation recipients to understand the circumstances surrounding refunds to entities like the NDIS because it will impact the amount of money potentially owed to them and, subsequently, the amount of compensation a claimant receives themselves.