
Compensation for gratuitous care in personal injury claims

Compensation for gratuitous care in personal injury claims

Gratuitous care is the time given to an injured person, by relatives or friends, to help with everyday tasks like domestic work. Compensation for gratuitous care can be considered in some personal injury claims.
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How to find out if a business name is available

How do I know if my business name is available?

When choosing a new business name, it’s important to ensure that your selection is available and, importantly, you’re not going to breach any laws of copyright or trademark.
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Can I claim more compensation for child abuse after I signed a settlement deed?

Can I claim more compensation for child abuse after I signed a settlement deed?

With historical childhood sexual abuse, there are options for eligible survivors to revisit settlements they signed and seek further compensation.
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How to make an income protection claim

How to make an income protection claim

If you have income protection insurance and are unable to work due to injury or illness, the insurance can cover a percentage of your weekly income.
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The first steps immediately after injuries in a motor vehicle accident

Your first steps after sustaining injuries in a motor vehicle accident

Some of your actions immediately following injuries in an accident can optimise the success of your motor vehicle accident claim.
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Can I get compensation for abuse suffered as a ward of the State in Queensland?

Can I get compensation for abuse suffered as a ward of the State in Queensland?

Many survivors of abuse were wards of the State and it is understandable that they may want to know about their rights to compensation for any abuse experienced whilst under the care of a child welfare authority.
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When should I update my Will?

10 life events when you should consider updating your Will

If you’ve done the right thing and written your Will, it’s important to ensure you check it from time to time, to ensure it still meets your wishes and what you intend to happen with your property and possessions, should you die.
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